A much overdue post.

I had a perfect weekend last weekend... the best weekend since the past 8 months...

It all started with my parents bringing breakfast over to our apartment on Saturday morning. The environment was so cheerful and we all chatted while I did some work on my Darla (that's what I call my Macmini).

I then had to rush off to a rehearsal where I would be the emcee for an event tomorrow and since I foresee a long rehearsal, we decided that the one should send me there right smack in the golden triangle.

The thing with rehearsals (which I usually hate most) is that I knew deep in my heart that many people won't be punctual and everyone else has to wait. I was so right about it as the rehearsal was supposed to start at 12noon and some of us were super punctual but the rehearsal didn't start until around 2pm. Still, I wasn't that stressed out since the one was handling little jj well (as he didn't call me except to ask where I put the Isomil EyeQ formula). I was also calm since I told the one to pick me up by hook or by crook around 3.30pm so that I could feed little jj direct if she'd get cranky and get all upset not getting mommy's milk.

Things happened as expected and I also played the role of event planner... although I didn't really include this service in my portfolio, I guess I don't quite mind helping out people I am comfortable and familiar with since managing events can be so stressful. It felt really good as this particular client is so easy to work with and allow me to do my job rather than instruct nonsensical stuff or expect me to perform 'magic tricks'.

The one picked me up at a perfect timing and we left busy KL with little jj all excited to see me. She slept in the car while being fed and it was such a beautiful sight.

It rained pretty heavily but subsided upon reaching our apartment, got little jj to sleep and I continued with work. All of a sudden, I remembered that I was supposed to attend a couple's opening of a beauty clinic just 5 minutes away from the apartment. It was going to end in half an hour's time but since the house is in a calm mood, the one thought I should just check it out.

My primary schoolmates, Mahathir and Lina (now medical doctors), has just opened a beauty clinic. It was a modest event but I was so glad I went despite the long day... I chatted with them and it felt so weird that those friends whom you used to play with when you were little, all of a sudden examines your face and skin, as if you are all playing a doctor-patient game ;)

I was happy when told that I don't have much problems with my skin except for that drastic hormonal changes after childbirth and Lina proposed that I try their IPL machine. I've never tried anything like that in my previous facials... usually, they'd just do some manual stuff which includes extraction (ouch!) but it has been over a year since I did my last facial... I think the last one was in February 2008 because I didn't like the hard bed as my back hurts from lying down for 3 hours every session.

Mahathir explained to me the benefits of the treatment and it felt scary at first, listening to the previous patient undegoing that treatment... it sounded so painful and she described it so vividly while under the machine. But... I thought since I was already there, I might as well just persevere. Surprisingly, the treatment wasn't painful as I don't have that much age spots and it was over in less than 30 minutes.

I left the clinic feeling so refreshed, with such a strong feeling towards both my friends... I can safely say that I'd probably see them more in the future to help me age gracefully... you know, when women comes to that age of PMS and hormonal treatment helps.

Somehow, the treatment at the clinic, and the many things that the one did that Saturday, lifted my spirits. The fact that I didn't have to cook, made the weekend even more perfect ;)

More so, I felt really good since I managed to complete a few stuff which includes my latest beading project on a newly completed baju kurung for my latest emceeing stint. I didn't have anything good to wear and decided to use the Thai silk material that I bought in Phuket in 2001. The silk is just too beautiful and smooth that I never really sent it to a tailor before... and I am glad for that as I now have such a simple yet formal wear - simple for its solid colour, formal as I turned it into a Baju Kurung that is considered a formal attire in any events, nicely fitted on my current size ;D.

29/03/2009 - Share on Ovi
the photo doesn't do justice to the bright yellow material...
i added turquoise sequins as the bottom part (skirt)
is of a teal-coloured songket-like material.

Little jj can also now stand although not on her own initiative. We are eagerly waiting for her to crawl but have yet to see any developments.

28/03/2009 - Share on Ovi
mommy... i just don't feel like crawling... lemme
just lie on your leg, ya...

On Sunday, little jj behaved so well... and my skin looked so fresh upon waking up... even the one noticed it! ;)

We went over to my in-laws in the late afternoon and there was a power outage due to an uprooted tree. We thought of leaving before it gets dark but I simply love the feeling at that point of time... the place was dim from the lit candles and little jj seemed to be calmer as well. The one bought all of us dinner and I fed little jj in the dark... she acted as if everything was normal and she then played intently with her bottle of plain water - biting the soft spout and drinking the water at the same time, while all of us ate. I was surprised that we managed to stay until 10pm and little jj went to sleep soon after, all happy with a full tummy.

When we arrived home, the electricity was already up over at my in-laws and the night continued to remain perfect with little jj nicely tucked in bed. Best of all, my skin still looked fresh sans makeup and I felt so happy.

I foresee another busy weekend this week but I hope that it'll turn out as fabulous as it did last week. I know it may sound simple to you but for a SAHM who's been busy with work till the wee hours almost everyday and juggling housework, all that translated to something so rare and priceless. Furthermore, there was that glimmer of hope for a much needed vacation, cropped up last week and I felt all excited and hopeful.

I'll be busy with an event tomorrow night (or tonight, actually, since it is already Saturday) and am hoping that little jj will not give her daddy a hard time ;)

28/03/2009 - Share on Ovi
i can already sit unaided... who knows i might even
skip crawling and stand up on my own ;P


Chech said...

Juan, gorgeous bead-work there, that you may open another portfolio!

Jada looks poised in the last photo. Khalish can't sit unaided for long; he could do it for only 2 seconds before getting back to combat crawl position. Combat crawl memanjang... no sign of proper crawling except for the occasional all-four position.

I'm thinking of going for an outing with Kamal and Khalish this Sunday. If you have a plan to go for one as well, maybe we could meet?

Amy said...

Glad u had a nice weekend. Eh, apa nama beuaty clinic tu? Since it's 5 minutes away from your home, it should be 5 minutes away from my house too :P. Geram tengok pic Jada tu!!

toughcookie said...

dear chech,
thanks :D who knows, i might just do that apart from writing, translations, editing and whatnot, eh...

hehe you're so funny. ya, jada can sit unaided but mebbe just a few seconds je longer than khalish... she will then slump her body down and extend her hands, expecting her mommy or daddy to dokong hehe.

i am also worried lah that jada hasn't started crawling yet. she's too pampered. everytime she's on her tummy, i could see that she'd want to lift her butt but she'd opt for crocodile tears instead, hoping me to carry her ;P

hey... that's a good idea... where are you guys going? sms me?

It's called, Timeless... ala deret Public Bank kat Glomac tu, just on top of a stationery shop/mr clean laundry.

take care ;D

Lee said...

Hi, you sure got one great looking kid there. Got her mother's good looks I guess.
Have fun and remember to pause smell the flowers, Lee.

Unknown said...

wah, u really are a multi-talented woman aren't you. supermom to 2, translator, emcee, bead artist... i take my hat off to ya babe!
and that pix of jada with her ala-ala mohawk is just too adorable for words.

toughcookie said...

dear uncle lee,
;D you're too kind.

thanks... i'll be sure to remember that.

:D thanks, babe... i try to fill my time with ways i know best. beading tu still beginner stage and intending to learn more of it.

take care, dear.