I have plenty to update but not much energy to write ;P so, I guess I'll just post some pictures of my 'interesting' adventure last long weekend (in addition to the previous 2 photos posted earlier) while I rest and try to catch my breath (yup, believe it or not, I still haven't caught proper breaths since the last weekend)...
yummylicious 3

spinach, leek, potato & carrot + homemade chicken stock

yummy delicious topped with fatty creamy after-taste
from the unsalted butter used to saute the leek.
yummylicious 4

apple and peach (the recipe has strawberry added but
madame dearest eliminated it from the list for fear of allergy risks)

tantalising and juicy. strawberries can be added when little jj's a little older
yummylicious 5

chicken, apple and sweet potato

for little jj's first taste of chicken
yummylicious 6

carrots, potato & corn

placed next to the spinach-leek-potato-carrot puree
6 yummylicious weaning tastes, delicious enough even for us adults. I am especially surprised at how tasty the spinach concoction tasted. The little munchkin even licked his bowl. Suddenly, I was inspired to improvise the recipe for a creamy, tasty spinach soup ;D
Chech, I think I probably am ready for a puree party... only that it would be down-sized as puree-tasting session hehe.
And Sherie, don't worry... anyone really can cook since you don't need to measure the amount of salt or those little little things adults always want to have in their meals. These are really simple recipes and the unsalted butter giving you such nice aroma.
I am so glad that my next puree adventure will be repeated not until another 3-4 weeks. I'm tired still.
Hmmm... madame is thirsty. mebbe madame could curi a cube
or two of those nice looking mango cubes from little jj's stock and
add some of those live full fat natural yogurt >:)
or two of those nice looking mango cubes from little jj's stock and
add some of those live full fat natural yogurt >:)
woaahhhh! *sambil telan air liur* babe, it looks super yummylicious to me...meh sket bagi i rasa the spinach concostion tu...heheeee....
i did the sweet potato-apple-chicken puree for areya too and my mom cam pelik je when she saw the combination.... as long as areya loves it, i m ok la....
apple & peach puree... memang kopak that time la when I prepared this puree... RM5.99 for sebiji peach and now areya doesn't like peach... her fav. fruits now are only red apples & mango....
p/s: nak join gak the puree tasting party tu....hiks
alamak! can't see the photos la... this entry will surely be handy next year..
Wow-wee! Anis, I think if the puree-tasting turned into a reality, we're the ones who'll have a ball of time, kan ;p (from the pictures alone, I could understand why tlm licked the bowl clean) *slurrrp*.
One fine weekend? Let's make this happen. A potluck event, perhaps :).
I haven't started giving Khalish meat. My bad. I was too engrossed with other adult-related things. And seeing the mango juice cubes, I remember reading Annabel's suggestion to give teething babies such cubes in order to soothe their gums.
Seeing this, I'm motivated to work as hard this weekend.
Juan, you do deserve the spa(mpering) session. Do post little jj's pictures enjoying the cubes yeah.
*Signing off, still salivating*
spinach ada banyak lagi since jada only usually eat 1/2 of it for each meal. lots of it to go around hehe...
oh, the potato-apple-chicken puree tu probably memang sedap since jada had fever today but could still wallop it with her rice porridge and wants some more walaupun she cannot have more... nak terkeluar pun ada since she kinda ate more than usual ;D
mommy is happy when sick baby can still eat.
pasal puree tasting tu, i shall plan something small for the three of us. small party senang kita mommies nak chit chat plus the fact that my apartment kocik yo. hehe.
p/s: i got the peach surprisingly from giant. that time when i went to giant, all their fruits were super fresh - papaya, mango, peach, apples, even sweet potato, potatoes. rasa macam heaven ;D so, since it was at giant, the peach was only RM3.99 per fruit.
kenapa cannot see the photos? too small kah? if you want, i can give you the link to the photos of my OVI account. senang pakai OVI as compared to FLICKR since OVI doesn't pose any limits to photos uploaded. i can email to you.
it's so good to see you in fb... itu pun after you wrote those random facts about you and mentioned about that note in your fb. susah nak cari you until i typed in your email address ;D
meat tu pun i tak terfikir nak buat until i realised i had extra apples and i just bought sweet potatoes without really thinking what i would use them for ;P so, since ada lebih, and the one just bought chicken breasts for himself, i curi satu. quite easy to make since i already have the chicken stock.
dear, do you prefer saturday or sunday for the small party? my suggestion would be tea time (you'd be busy this weekend, anis & i will be meeting for the first time at the spa next sunday, so that leaves us either next saturday or the weekend after).
vote. and i will try to make it happen :D
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