Top: sweet potato / broccoli
Middle: potato + cauliflower (didn't measure right... made too many portions)
Bottom: carrot / potato + cauliflower, again
Home-made fresh baby food in ice-cube packs.
I did that today in the late afternoon. Took two hours... for the whole thing - peeling, chopping, steaming & blending. Now I am extremely tired.
Next time, I'll not get overly excited and learn to do it sitting down ;P
I still have not done her rice porridge and apples as I do not have enough ice-cube packs. Will do that tomorrow. Maybe.
A new adventure for little jj tomorrow *wink* (definitely a new adventure for me as well). And I may need the energy.
Again, I am t-i-r-e-d. Gonna head on to bed in awhile.
good luck little jj and also the mother, of course. Macam Mak dia pulak excited lebih.. hehe.
Noah has weaning about a month already. He doesnt like banana nor cereal if mix with milk. He is also not too keen on sweet potato. My mom still trying hard to introduce to other food. So far he likes rusks biscuits (without mixing with milk) and carrots. Shame I am not there to experience his first adventure.. huhu!
yes eju...
memang mak dia yang terlebih excited heheheheheh...
takpe darling... i'm sure you'll have lots of adventure once he joins you there. it will be a blast and he's so lucky la to be with you and muz.
wah! frozen puree food! Reminds me of what i did with arissa.. Good for u dear... Bagus la u rajin nak buat homecooked food ni.. Proud of u dear!
babe, your post reminds me when I first fed areya with mash avocado and those tiring moments in the kitchen preparing Areya's pureed-frozen food all because we wanted only the best for our kid kan?
even sekarang pun still dok dapur to ensure Areya got a balance diet, although most of the times susahnye nak bagi dia makan....
dear emly,
kena la rajin kan? it gives me such great self-satisfaction la to be able to do all these for her. seronok rasa. thanks, darl.
i tak sabar nak tunggu this weekend when i'll feed her the avocado. hmmm... maybe i'll feed her that this thursday buat apa tunggu that long pun kan? i'll just switch apples to sunday instead of thursday.
itu la.. i want the best for her. tapi kadang2 i get so afraid and question myself if this utensil or that utensil is clean or sterile enough. dah sterile pun tapi oxidised macam tak betul2 sterile bla bla bla. teruk betul. but then when i think about it, everything was ok with the little munchkin so i shouldn't worry too much about it...
kesian you areya picky eater. it's a challenge especially when you've done the best to prepare a good meal.
apa nak buat kan... that's part and parcel of bringing up a child.
memang better buat babyfood sendiri, more nutritions, gerenti sihat... looks like you've prepared for a week's feeding? Unlike me, I have to prepare only for the day's feeding, due to tiny space in my fridge... lagi banyak kereja huhuuh...
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