When I started to discover how little jj would focus on animation on TV like Wonderpets and especially those aired on Kelab Disney Malaysia on TV3, both the one and I considered including cartoon channels in our cable TV subscription.
Little jj was only around 16 months old then and she was very selective in the programmes that she would really watch. I only allowed Playhouse Disney for her and since then, she has started to discover many things she liked from the many quality and educational shows aired on the channel. She likes Handy Manny for the catchy tunes the tools and him would sing while performing their repair works and she'd laugh at Mr Lopart's antics and his pet cat, Fluffy; Special Agent Oso for the Paw Pilot’s tips and countdown; Safety Patrol for their annoying habit of scrutinising everything; Word World for their unique word-forms and usage of the alphabets; Chuggington for their upbeat tunes; the funny Ooh and Aah before any show starts; and others. Most importantly, her favourite would be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for simply put, the star of the show – Mickey Mouse.

In conjunction with the public holiday this Saturday, 1 May 2010, Playhouse Disney on Astro’s Channel 613 will be airing their programmes with health-themed episodes from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Four special short-form prorammes like Mickey Mousekersize, Dance-a-lot Robot, Tasty Time with Zefronk and Adventures in Nutrition with Captain Carlos will also be shown throughout the day to add zest to this health campaign.
I guess this must have something to do with Michelle Obama’s initiative at fighting the increasing rate of child obesity and creating awareness about health as early as preschool years.
I know my little one totally enjoys the exercise sessions on Mickey Mousekersize. They make it look so much fun. And since dancing is a natural skill that a baby would develop, those catchy tunes that accompany all the activities always managed to capture her attention. She would move her body left to right and even twirls to the rhythm.
Tasty Time with ZeFronk is an animated short series where the host, ZeFronk, presents a healthy cook show from his house. Since she loves accompanying me to the kitchen, she is always fascinated with the show.
I look forward to discover the new show, Dance-A-Lot Robot, a combination of animation and live action programme where a robot teaches preschoolers simple original dance steps to the music of Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh.
For those of you with a child who’s a little bit older, Adventures in Nutrition with Captain Carlos spotlights a six-year old boy who shows how healthy meals and regular physical activity make him feel like a superhero.
I guess since her usual Saturday’s class at Kizsports is cancelled due to the public holiday, it would be great to sit infront of the TV and do those activities with her at least for an hour or two in the morning. What better way to start inculcating healthy habits (if you haven’t yet!) when everyone is around this Labour Day ☺
FYI, below is the schedule of programmes which will be aired on that day. If I am not mistaken, they will be repeated at 5pm.
9.30am | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse |
9.55am | Mickey Mousekersize |
10.00am | Handy Manny |
10.25am | Dance-A-Lot Robot |
10.30am | Little Einsteins |
10.55am | Tasty Time with ZeFronk |
11.00am | My Friends Tigger & Pooh |
11.25am | Adventures in Nutrition with Captain Carlos |
11.30am | Special Agent Oso |
11.55am | Tasty Time with ZeFronk |
12.00nn | Imagination Movers |
12.25pm | Dance-A-Lot Robot |
12.30pm | Happy Healthy Monster |
12.55pm | Adventure in Nutirition with Captain Carlos |
Enjoy watching them with your little ones!
lil adam pun suka lil einstein. lorat je ckp "buckle up" mcm lil einstein. tapi dia sendiri xnak buckle up dlm keta. hampess...
aarr, the joy of having a toddler..my son is the kind of child who tend to sleep late, sometimes up to 3-4 in the morn, we tend to watch PHDC most of the time to kill the boredom..I think it's us the parents who enjoy the shows more..now that I'm teaching him how to use crayon, I can remember all the color code of Noddy's outfit..sigh!
hi belle,
oh bunyinye so cute kan? "all buckle up!"
anak i tak boleh cakap lagi la dear.. masih merapu lagi vocab dia hehe... tapi yang i suka, dia main bantai je cakap tak kisah bunyi macam mana pun ;P
oh bagus ya you tak paksa dia tidur. some moms would get so stressed out kalau anak dia tidur lambat.
anak lelaki i yang sulung ni masa baby dulu senang je tidur.. i would switch off the light, sumbat botol and dia terus tidur. tapi pwincesh sorang ni sungguh tak consistent. so like you, kitorang kat rumah pun layan la playhouse disney ni sampai midnight, if we have to.
but you are so right la... kita parents pulak excited. agaknya sebab we didn't have all these when we were kids dulu kan... :D
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